Design Your Destiny By Choosing Your Timeline

Taking control of our narrative and timeline is far more powerful than leaving it to fate

It’s a little-known fact that humans are powerful creators. Every one of us is brimming with creative potential, but it’s something we’re never encouraged to embrace. Our societal and cultural programming separates us from this truth, to the point where our power, authority and ability to author our reality becomes weakened. We end up moving through life believing that things just happen to us and we have no control. 

But the truth? 

We can create and craft our reality much more than we ever imagined.

One of the biggest gateways to reconnecting to our power is the concept of timelines. We can choose lower timelines that express our wounds and represent our limitations, or we can choose higher timelines of abundance, prosperity and joy. 

There have been times in my life where, against all odds, I’ve chosen a completely different timeline to widely accepted narratives (I dive into it and share a great example on this blog HERE)

Choosing our timeline is completely up to us, we just need to grasp a few simple concepts: 

We choose our own timeline 

We all have free will, and we can use it to make empowered choices and take ownership of our reality. If we don’t apply our will to our desires and aspirations, they could very well become haunting regrets. Not exercising this power is like taking a backseat in our own lives. And none of us wants that. 

We affirm our timeline constantly

The stories we tell ourselves affirm our reality, and our beliefs around money are a great example of this. If you’re always saying ‘I’m poor, I’m terrible with money, I don’t make enough and I can’t get ahead’ be careful of the timeline you’re choosing. 

Rather than align yourself to poverty, start telling yourself a different money story and constantly affirm THAT timeline. 

Timelines change, and that’s okay

If we don’t like the timeline we’re on, we have the permission and the power to shift ourselves to another one. Yes, we really are that powerful! We can reauthor our reality with focused intention, will and belief. (We’re indoctrinated to think we can’t do this, but we absolutely can).

Choosing our timeline is far more powerful than leaving it to fate

We should always be asking ourselves what we desire and envision for our lives. After all, we’re the writer, director and star of this production! When our strong will and belief is coupled with ease and grace, we’ll find that life will start to co-create with us. 

How do we know when this is happening? Because we’ll experience more ease and harmony, and our lives will reflect our desires back to us in a synchronistic flow. 


So, anytime you feel yourself pulled into fear-based narratives or limited options, ask yourself: 

‘Is this on my timeline?’ 

If it’s not. You have a choice. 

Timelines help us see things more objectively and make more conscious choices. When we do this, we bring the power back where it’s always belonged. With us. 


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